Last year I started a doodle cloth to try some embroidered motifs. I found it again and thought I could use some of them for buttons. The
singleton button tutorial was very helpful, but I used old buttons instead of rings. I started with a small button. The embroidery was a first try with Madeira rayon thread. I wanted to know if I could use the thread for Brazilian embroidery when I was in
Sharon's Encrusted Crazy Quilting class. She encouraged me to give it a try, so I made a flower with bullion knots, cast on stitches and French knots. I like the flower, but the thread was not easy to handle with these stitches. This button is 1,5 cm or 0,5 inch.

Then I made a buttton with my bee. I wrote about how I made it
here, it's a pattern of Aimee Ray. This was my first bee, because I wanted to use it on a
quiltie. Later I stitched one on a
crazy ornament too. This button is 2,5 cm or 1 inch.

My last button has a ladybug on it. I designed it for a friend, who made a quilt for her grandson. She wanted ladybugs on it and I embroidered 5 of them for her. This was my
first try. It's made of spiral trellis stitches, satin stitches, French knots and couching with 2 threads of stranded DMC. This button is 3 cm or 1,25 inch.

This is one of the blocks on the quilt with the ladybugs. My friend appliqued the leaves (a Kaffe Fassett fabric) on a blue polka dot fabric and I made the ladybugs. I have seen the finished quilt, but I don't have a picture of it.