vrijdag 30 april 2010
French knot & Lazy daisy ATC's

woensdag 28 april 2010
Raised herringbone band
Before I could try some new stitches, I had to prepare a new piece of fabric. This will be the third page of my fabric book. I use a big square with a seam, so it won’t fray. First I make four squares on it with running stitches (7½ x 7½ cm or 3 x 3 inch). Then I embroider the name of the stitch in backstitches, just outside the square. I use stranded DMC in black for that, 2 threads for the running stitches and 1 thread for the backstitches.
The top raised herringbone band was the first one I made. The satin stitches are done in DMC broder special, the herringbone stitch in 3 threads of stranded DMC and the lacing with a metallic thread in blue and black. The second row is done in perle 5. When I made that row it looked good, but when I made this picture the laced thread was shifted! The satin stitches of the bottom row is done with 3 threads of stranded DMC. I used Sulky cotton 30 for the herringbone stitches and I laced it with gold thread. I need to watch my tension!

maandag 26 april 2010
Crazy Monday 22

zondag 25 april 2010
Embroidered bookmark

zaterdag 24 april 2010
Fancy hem stitch again
I had a lot of fun with the fancy hem stitch. I show you a few details here. You can click on the pictures to see the details bigger. These 2 rows are done in perle 5 with silk wrappings. I only wrapped them twice, because the silk was very thick.
The green row is done in perle 5 again and I used the same thread for the wrapping. This way it’s a very boring stitch. So I made a line with DMC broder special and I wrapped it with a shiny green thread. I don’t know what kind of thread it is, there was no info on the spool. It looks like a metallic yarn, but it feels like plastic! This thread was awful to stitch with, but I like the effect. I decorated this row with French knots.
This square is made of 9 shifted rows with no space between them. I made the blue hem stitches first and then I made the wraps in brown and beige.
If you want to see my complete sampler, just take a look at my Flickr-page.

donderdag 22 april 2010
African flowers

woensdag 21 april 2010
Fancy hem stitch

dinsdag 20 april 2010
TAST 1-4
Last Thursday I introduced my first crazy TAST block and now I can show you the embroidery. I made a diamond stitch with yellow perle 5 and I decorated it with some detached chain stitches with 2 threads of stranded brown DMC.
This knotted loop stitch is done with 3 threads of stranded DMC color variations.
My beaded Hedebo stitch is a variation of the one I saw here. I added an extra round of stitches and an oval bead in the middle of it.
I made the Portuguese border stitch on large foundation stitches and I made an extra stitch over 2 rungs. Now there are 3 thread next to each other instead of 2.
I decorated this block with a daffodil in organza ribbon. I used a pattern from the book ‘Beginner’s guide to silk ribbon embroidery’ by Ann Cox. The butterfly is made with stranded DMC: detached chain stitches and straight stitches for the wings and a bullion knot for his body.
This block will be the back of the sampler with the first 4 stitches, so now I can finish the first page of my fabric book. There’s a big picture of my complete block on my Flickr-page.

CQ seams,
TAST 2010
donderdag 15 april 2010
Rope stitch again
This stitch is very addictive, my sampler is already finished! This picture is a small part of it. I used the rope stitch from TAST and the rope stitch in Mary Corbet’s video. That one is also called raised rope stitch and it gives a nice thick line. I also added some French knots and beads. The bead in this picture was part of a swap with Nikki. If you want to see my complete sampler, just take a look at my Flickr-page.
I want to make a fabric book of my TAST-samplers. The first 4 stitches are on one page and I want this crazy block to be the back of it. I’m going to embroider the same stitches on it.

TAST 2010
woensdag 14 april 2010
Rope stitch
When I saw the name of this stitch, I thought I already knew it. I tried this rope stitch last year in my dragon, but it’s a different one and it’s also called raised rope stitch. First I tried a few rows of the new rope stitch. The top one in pink perle 5 and then two rows with 6 threads of stranded DMC color variations. I stitched one from right to left and the other one from left to right. The bottom one is done in red perle 5 and whipped with pink perle 5.
My next experiment is freestyle embroidery with perle 5. I started with the rope stitch I already knew in electric blue. Then I used my leftover threads in my sewing box to make rope stitches around it and some French knots. I don’t think this part is finished yet.
This stitch is very addictive!

This stitch is very addictive!
dinsdag 13 april 2010
Work In Slow Progress 7

cross stitch,
Gorse Fairies,
zondag 11 april 2010
Buttonhole eyelet flower again
My sampler of the buttonhole eyelet flower is finished. You can click on the pictures to see the details bigger. The center of this pink flower is a sequin, sewed down with 2 threads of stranded DMC. For the bullion knots I used perle 5 again. Each knot has 15 wraps.
This colorful experiment is made with a variegated cotton thread. First I made a buttonhole square and then I made 2 bullion knots with 15 wraps on each side.
My last flower is a big one. It is done in perle 5. I made a large buttonhole circle in 2 different yellows. I surrounded it with large bullion knots with 20 wraps! Then I made some knotted loop stitch leaves.
If you want to see my complete sampler, just take a look at my Flickr-page.

donderdag 8 april 2010
Buttonhole eyelet flower

dinsdag 6 april 2010

maandag 5 april 2010
Knotted buttonhole stitch
I finished my sampler of the knotted buttonhole stitch just in time before the next stitch is up! Unfortunately I started very late with it, so I’m quite sure I’m inspired by al the lovely examples I saw at the Flickr TAST-group. The row in my first picture is done with 4 threads of stranded DMC. I made the buttonhole stitches in different sizes.
The next one is done in blue perle 5. I made 3 buttonhole stitches instead of 2 in two different sizes.
This row in DMC broder special is a combination of 2 of the same rows, but the second one is upside down. I stitched the buttonhole stitches in an angle.
I made the next row with light and dark blue perle 5. I switched colors in the first step of the stitch. I used 2 needles.
The last row is done in a variegated cotton thread. I alternated the direction of the stitch.
If you want to see my complete sampler, just take a look at my Flickr-page.

vrijdag 2 april 2010
Shabby Roses bookmark
Last month I made a Shabby Roses bookmark for Mary, it is designed by Jennifer Reynolds. I did the embroidery with 2 threads of red stranded DMC 498 in backstitches and some French knots. I used the ‘boerenhemdensteek’ for the edge, but I don’t know the English name for it!
And my thumb is much better, I can hold a needle again! Time to start the knotted buttonhole stitch tomorrow, I already saw a lot of great experiments.

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