This ornament was a birthday present for a friend. Last week I already showed you a
sneak peek of the cloud filling. I decorated the seam below the
cloud filling with a
buttonholed herringbone stitch in the same ecru DMC broder special. The lace at the bottom left is attached with a row of
fancy hem stitches in perle 5 and a metallic thread for the wrap. I decorated it with burgundy French knots in stranded DMC. The pink row with the beads is a
Portuguese border stitch in perle 5. The green row at the left side is a
knotted buttonhole stitch in Sulky cotton 30 with pink French knots in stranded DMC. The ecru row at the bottom right is a
diamond stitch in DMC broder special. After the embroidery was done I stretched the crazy patchwork over an old CD with some batting. For the back I used a piece of matching fabric stretched over a second old CD. Then I sewed them together with a hanging loop and decorated this seam with a beaded organza ribbon.
Al stitches (except for the buttonholed herringbone stitch) are part of the
Take A Stitch Tuesday challenge at Pintangle.
Het is een erg mooi ornament geworden en ik vind het een goed idee om de TAST-steken nog eens toe te passen, zodat ze echt tot je stekenrepertoire gaan behoren.