zaterdag 11 april 2015

Fanz on my shoe

This week’s zentangle challenge at I am the diva is UMT Fanz. My shoe is inspired by the pretty boot template from Ben Kwok. I found it in the book Eenvoudig tekenen by Chris Hart. I used Papyrus, Fanz and Sproing.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Pretty cool! I plan on tangling on some actual shoes (without heels, though) this spring.

    1. That would be pretty cool too, I don't think I would be brave enought to do that!

  2. I couldn't get it to work on a simple tile and you put it on a shoe???
    That's so awesome!
    Oh, now I see that's not a real shoe.
    You draw the shoe too???
    Very good work!

    1. Thank you! No, I didn't drew the shoe. It was in a book from the librairy and I liked it very much.

  3. Very cool high-heel! You have made it so even and symmetrical...also the design/composition is so well done...the simple line work on the heel and toe really draw the attention and focus to FANZ!

    1. Thanks, Lynell. I noticed the symmetry when I was finished :-)

  4. Reacties
    1. Dank je wel, Anne. Ik vond de laars van Ben Kwok nog iets te hoog gegrepen, ik heb nog geen template van hem gebruikt. Maar deze schoen vond ik heel leuk om te doen, dus wie weet!

  5. Hi Annet, Love this, super drawing. I thought that was a real shoe too! It would look good on shoes.

    1. Thanks, I agree. It would be a nice shoe. But not for me, I don't walk on heels!
