dinsdag 10 juni 2014

Beaded VanDyke stitch

TAST stitch 116 is beaded VanDyke stitch. TAST stands for Take A Stitch Tuesday, an embroidery challenge at Pin Tangle.

I stitched my samples on 14 count Aida. Of course I started with Sharon’s first sample. The thread is perle 8.
Here I stitched Sharon’s second sample in wool.
This is a combo of the previous rows, I alternated the beads in the centre and the arms. The thread is wool.
Here I stitched a small row in perle 8. I added one bead to the arms every 4th stitch.
In this row I added the beads to the arms on one side and alternated left and right, the thread is perle 12.
My last row is almost the same as the previous, I only added an extra stitch between the beaded stitches.
Take a closer look at my complete sampler here.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. I can see you wanted to test this new stitch right away. Awesome!
    I think the fewer beads the more of the Vandyke look remains. With more beads the stitch could be mistaken for Butttonhole. What do you think?

    1. Thank you Queenie. Yes, I like the VanDyke with not so many beads so you can still see some of the thread. It looks better in a thick thread so you can see the chain in the centre.

  2. how quick you have been with these stitched, i only saw them on pintangle half an hour ago! Think I like it best as done in the first sample with the thicker threat and fewer beads

    1. Well, I saw these stitches early in the morning and I just had to give them a try between my chores!

  3. Wow! You really explored that stitch! Way to go!

    1. Thank you Angela, it's such a great stitch to explore!
