The crossed buttonhole stitch is a nice variation of the buttonhole stitch. I also used it for couching cotton yarn. I like this very much.
woensdag 28 mei 2008
Crossed buttonhole stitch
zondag 25 mei 2008
Yesterday I worked on my cottage. I'm halfway now. It's the first time to appliqué this way, so I didn't do the difficult parts yet.
zaterdag 24 mei 2008
Butterfly chain stitch
Ook deze steek kende ik nog niet. Ik had gelukkig goede uitleg (hier en hier). Eerst had ik wel wat moeite met deze steek, want de draden zijn al gauw te strak aangetrokken. Later ging het wat beter.
Another new stitch for me. I had some good tutorials (here and here). It was a difficult one, but later on it went well.
Another new stitch for me. I had some good tutorials (here and here). It was a difficult one, but later on it went well.
woensdag 21 mei 2008
Dit is de achtergrond van mijn nieuwe project.
This is the background of my new project.
Hierop heb ik deze zwarte lap geregen met een tekening van een smeedijzerhek. De tekening hiervoor is door een vriendin gemaakt.
I put a black piece of fabric with a wrought-iron drawing on it and secured it with running stitches. This drawing was made by a friend.
This is the background of my new project.
I put a black piece of fabric with a wrought-iron drawing on it and secured it with running stitches. This drawing was made by a friend.
dinsdag 20 mei 2008
Dit patroontje vond ik laatst en het was perfect voor een vriendin, die jarig was. Hij is iets groter dan de vorige en heeft twee dezelfde kanten met 4 katten. Ze was er heel blij mee.
I found this pattern and it was perfect for my friend's birthday. This one is bigger than the this one. Top and bottom has the same pattern with 4 cats on it. My friend was very happy with it.
I found this pattern and it was perfect for my friend's birthday. This one is bigger than the this one. Top and bottom has the same pattern with 4 cats on it. My friend was very happy with it.
zaterdag 17 mei 2008
Basque stitch
The Basque stitch was new to me, but it isn't difficult. It is a perfect stitch for flowers or round shapes. I think I will use this stitch again.
woensdag 14 mei 2008
Triangles again
I finished 2 triangles, the last ones of the bottom row. Now I'm going to quilt the triangles between them.
zaterdag 10 mei 2008
Dear Jane triangle
It feels like it's summer here, so I enjoy the sun and Jane is slow. In the early morning I quilted one triangle.
donderdag 8 mei 2008
Woven & whipped wheels
This stitch was a challenge, because it was new to me. My first wheel in the upper right corner didn't work out so well, but I did better later. The yellow basket has a base of chain stitches, which makes the whipped stitch thicker en keeps everything where it should be. I also used this stitch on an ATC.
dinsdag 6 mei 2008
Dear Jane update
Vanmorgen heb ik mijn eerste randdriehoek gequilt. In de originele quilt zit deze punt in de eerste rij naast de hoek, maar bij mij zit hij in de onderste rij in de tweede kolom. Ik heb hem wel op dezelfde manier gequilt. Ik heb ook een nieuwe foto gemaakt van het complete middenstuk met alle blokjes.
maandag 5 mei 2008
De laatste tijd kwam ik vaak leuke biscornu of speldenkussentjes tegen op verschillende weblogs. Dat wilde ik ook wel uitproberen. Er zijn heel veel patronen te vinden op het internet. Ik heb een mini uitgezocht. Het borduurwerk is 5 x 5 cm.
I discovered a new pincushion on the internet: a biscornu. I found a lot of patterns on the internet, so I choose a mini (5 x 5 cm or 2 x 2 inch).
Deze link maakte het wel heel makkelijk om mijn biscornu in elkaar te zetten.
This link made it very easy to make my own biscornu.
I discovered a new pincushion on the internet: a biscornu. I found a lot of patterns on the internet, so I choose a mini (5 x 5 cm or 2 x 2 inch).
This link made it very easy to make my own biscornu.
This was a gift for a friend, so no I have to make one for myself too.
zaterdag 3 mei 2008
Rebecca's Basket & Uncle Homer
Dit zijn de laatste twee blokjes van mijn quilt. Het mandje heb ik zelf getekend, want het patroon in het boek leek niet op het origineel.
The last 2 blocks of my quilt are finished. I draw the basket myself, because the pattern in the book didn't look like the original.
Uncle Homer heb ik vanmorgen gequilt. Ik heb alle blokjes (16 stuks) binnen 2 weken gequilt!
I quilted Uncle Homer this morning. I finished al 16 blocks within 2 weeks!
Ik had ook een foto van het complete middenstuk, maar die was helaas niet zo goed gelukt. Dus die komt later nog een keer.
The last 2 blocks of my quilt are finished. I draw the basket myself, because the pattern in the book didn't look like the original.
I quilted Uncle Homer this morning. I finished al 16 blocks within 2 weeks!
I also made a picture of the centre of my quilt, but it was a bad one. I will try again later.
vrijdag 2 mei 2008
Running stitch
First I wanted to skip the running stitch, because I didn't know what to do with it. Then I took 2 colours of DMC and started. Before I knew it, I filled my square (10 x 10 cm or 4 x 4 inch). The result surprised me.
donderdag 1 mei 2008
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