
dinsdag 11 juni 2019

Eco printing on fabric

Almost 2 weeks ago I finally tried eco printing on fabric. There’s a good series of posts in Dutch about that on Verfvirus, this is the link to the first one. The first thing I needed to do after prepping the fabric was gathering leaves. So I had a walk in our neighbourhood, which you can see here on Instagram. I ended up with a nice collection and added some leaves from our garden.
I covered the table and gathered everything I needed.
I put the leaves on one half of the fabric, covered it with the other half, rolled it on the wooden sticks and wrapped it with cotton yarn.
I made six packages, here they are ready for the next step.
Then it was time to boil them in water with iron sulphate for 3 hours.

After that I let it cool down in the water for 2 days and rinsed and washed the fabric. Next time I’ll show the results.

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