
maandag 27 november 2017

Australia sampler

Years ago my mother started this Australia sampler for my father. She got a poor eyesight over the years, so now I’m going to finish it for my parents. I share a weekly update to keep me going.

Great progress this week. First I finished the Mimi spirit at the right.
Then I continued with the next item. Here I’m adding the last backstitches.
This part was easy after the Mimi spirit!
And yesterday I started stitching a building below the flowers. Lots of light colours, so I already added some backstitches.
And this is how the Australia sampler looks now. The upper right corner is finished!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Gosh, Annet!
    I had to Google Mimi Spirit too, very interesting.
    Isn’t the Web a wonderful thing! Just think, if we weren’t blogging we wouldn’t be able to discover these secrets of origins half as easily!
    Your parents’ Sampler is growing very quickly! Beautiful stitches!
    Barbara xx

    1. Thanks Barbara. I want to finish this sampler as soon as possible, so I can work on my own projects again.

  2. You have made good progress. Back stitching the outlines make each object stand out clearly.

    1. Yep, backstitching is a very important part of this sampler.
