
dinsdag 2 mei 2017


I finished prompts 11-15 of Daisy Yellow’s Wonder31 prompts in my altered books. I made a collage of prompt 11 and 12.
11 Darkness & 12 Light
I drew prompt 13 with a marker and coloured it in pencil. The drawing was inspired by this video.
13 Pencil
For prompt 14 I choose the lyrics of a mantra. The Ganesha sticker was a gift from my yoga teacher, he bought it in India a few years ago.
14 Lyrics
And for prompt 15 I made a collage on an acrylic background.
15 Chevron
The index card is only attached at the left side, so there’s something to see at the backside too.
15 Chevron

4 opmerkingen:

  1. so much variety here what a wonderful imagination you have

    1. Thanks, Margaret. I still enjoy making these spreads.

  2. Heel boeiend, al die verschillende technieken en invalshoeken!

    1. Dank je wel Marjolein. Het is leuk om op deze manier veel verschillende technieken uit te proberen.
