
zondag 22 januari 2017

Fancy Cats

This quilt was hidden in my cupboard for many years. I shared the start of this quilt in one of the early posts on this blog, when I only wrote them in Dutch. You can read them here and here. I finished the top in 2008, but never shared a photo. So this is how my top looked before I started adding the borders.
Here I was stitching the 36 inch seam of the first border, now I’m working on the second one. Of course it’s all done by hand!

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Beautiful quilt colours and a lot of hand work.

  2. I bet you get a lot of pleasure out of working with this quilt so it finally can be completed.
    Beautiful colours.

    1. Yes, the fabrics were a birthday gift from my quilting friends many years ago. They were part of a series and I originally wanted a matching fabric for the border from the same series. I was lucky to find some pretty matching fabric a few months ago.

  3. looks so good I have a panel with lots of cats on somewhere this has given me some ideas

    1. I'm glad I could inspire you. I think I have the design I made in one of the folders on my computer. If I can find them I'll share them in my next post about this quilt.

  4. Beautiful! Gosh, what a lot of hand stitching!
    Very neat stars! I'm looking forward to seeing how you finish your quilt.
    Barbara x

    1. Thanks, Barbara. I always patch and quilt by hand, very relaxing.

  5. Reacties
    1. Thanks, I'm now stitching the third strip of the first border.
