
woensdag 12 augustus 2015

Quirky Dutch Summer week 9

The theme for week 9 is Lists. Yesterdays shopping list was still in my pocket, so I could use it for my spread. First I painted the background with acrylic paint. Then I tried to find as many photos of the things on my shopping list in advertisement leaflets from my supermarket. After making the collage I wrote about the things I bought.
You can see what others did for this week at Marit’s Paper World or the Quirky Dutch Summer facebookgroup.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. This is interesting!! I love what you did for the summer week 7..really creative.

  2. Another great post, Annet. Really fascinating to see what you are working on. I'm intrigued to know what comes next!

    Barbara xx

    1. Thanks, Barbara. The next challenge is to draw a mandala, I'm looking forward to draw it!
