
woensdag 26 november 2014

Work In Progress Wednesday - November 26

This week I started stitching the background of my Phoenix. First I tried a few pulled thread stitches on my doodle cloth. I decided to use coil stitch again, it’s the stitch in the bottom left corner.
Here I stitched coil stitch at the top of the left wing, the thread is a variegated cotton a broder #25.
And I stitched coil stitch in perle 12 at the right side of the head.
Work In Progress Wednesday is a support group to encourage people to complete languishing projects, Works In Slow Progress or UFO’s.
More info at Pin Tangle.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. HI Annet I am enjoying seeing this progress

  2. it is a joy to see your progress on this project. very beautiful pulled work. thanks for sharing the attempts on the doodle cloth

    1. Thanks, Chitra. I thought it would be fun to share my not so neat stitches on the doodle cloth.

  3. Good idea to have a doodle cloth to test the stitches on. Oh, I feel so tempted to do some pulled work after seeing yours - the Coil Stitch is simple but elegant.

    1. Yes, it was good to stitch coil stitch again, love the rhythm of this stitch.

  4. Nice stitching, this is going to be a brilliant embroidery!

  5. The coil stitch is going to look great around your phoenix!

    1. Thank you. I'm not going to add more coil stitches, this phoenix will be surrounded by other stitches too!
