
vrijdag 27 juni 2014

Blue pincushion

Remember the hexagons and squares I shared last week? I turned them into this pincushion.
First I made a layout for the top and the strip for the side.
Then the layout for the bottom. These photos helped me remember where to put each hexagon and square!
First I stitched the top and bottom and the strip for the side.
Sorry, I forgot to take photos of the next steps. I sewed the strip for the side to the top piece and closed the strip to a circle. Then I sewed the bottom piece to the strip. I stuffed my pincushion when I had about ¼ of the seams left and stuffed it a little more before closing the last seam. I used glove stitch or boerenhemdensteek in DMC 80.
Jenny's lovely pincushion was the inspiration for my pincushion.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. Your Pincushion is so sweet Annet. I love it. Marion x

  2. And I was convinced you were making a football (in commemoration of the World Cup), but this pin cushion is MUCH nicer!

  3. like this and thanks for the instructions, I did one a while ago but your method of sewing the strip looks far less fiddly

  4. A lovely use for your hexagons and good sewing tips too!

    1. I'm not sure how I came up with the idea of sewing it this way, but it worked very well!

  5. This came out beautiful, Annet! Thanks for giving the simple instructions. I'd like to make one. What did you fill it with? You are a no-reply blogger and I don't have your address, so I'd like to thank you for your comment on my blog suggesting to photograph my dark knitting out in the sun. That sounds like it might work and I'm going to try it!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. I stuffed my pincushion with normal stuffing you can used for pillows or toys. I just stuffed it firmly.

  6. this is so wonderful! I love EPP pin cushions. Thanks for sharing your construction method. Your fabric choice is great too~

    1. Thank you, Jessica. I wanted to comment on your pretty birds with selvages, but it wasn't possible. So I hope you read my reply here!
