
woensdag 12 februari 2014

Work In Progress Wednesday - February 12

Last week I shared my finished Fantasy fabric book. So now it was time to start my TAST 2012 fabric book. I made a total of 13 samplers, all 6 x 6 inch, so my book will have 13 pages. You can take a closer look at them in my TAST 2012 album.
I wanted to start with these 5 samplers, but I don’t have enough stiff interfacing in my stash. I bought 2 meters in a local shop recently, but that’s 30 cm wide, just a bit too small for 2 pages side by side. So now I’m trying to find interfacing online. In the meantime I’m going to start to embroider the cover for my book. I’m not going to use the same design as I used for my TAST 2010 fabric book, it will be totally different this time.
More info about Work In Progress Wednesday at Pin Tangle.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. I just had to have a closer look at your work on Flicr. When I was a new member of TAST 2012 I didn't look at lot at others' work and have missed many of the the first month's stitches. Every stitch sampler is great, there is so much variety and individuality. It will be interesting to follow 'The Making of Annet's TAST 2012 Stitch Sampler Book'. Good luck with finding interfacing.

  2. this is such a great ides to make your samples into a book, I wish I had gone down your route, maybe one day I will redo them all and have a proper record, or maybe not. Will enjoy watching this book develop

  3. Yes, Margaret's right - it is a great idea! I wish I'd done enough TAST samples to have something to make up, but I ended up being absorbed with other projects.

  4. Nice samplers. I have also thought of keeping the stitch samplers into an album. But it's not working for me.
