
zondag 22 december 2013

Reversed buttonhole bar

TAST stitch 94 is reversed buttonhole bar. TAST stands for Take A Stitch Tuesday, a challenge at Pin Tangle.

I stitched 3 rows on 18 count linen. The first one is done in perle 5 and Caron Watercolors.
The second row is done in perle 5. I alternated the direction on the buttonhole stitch every four stitches.
In my last row I stitched large buttonhole stitches with beads in perle 5. Then I added the second part of the reversed buttonhole bar at both sides of the beads.
I stitched a curved reversed buttonhole bar on my second pebble.
The threads are perle 8 an Fuzzy Stuff by Rainbow Gallery.
Take a closer look at my 18 count sampler here.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello Annet, lovely beautiful samples. I am just making my stitches, too. And it is hard not to copy you. I specially like the second sample. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you and yours.

  2. You never cease to amaze me with your variations of these TAST stitches. I echo Anneliese, the second sample is my favourite, but I like them all.

  3. lots to see from you once again, a very different effect with the fuzzy stuff.think I have something similiar that I used once on my CQJP
