
dinsdag 1 oktober 2013

Old spiked knotted cable chain stitches

TAST stitch 84 is spiked knotted cable chain. It’s basically an oyster stitch tied with a buttonhole stitch.

TAST stands for Take A Stitch Tuesday, a challenge at Pin Tangle.

The first experiments I want to share are part of my TAST 2010 sampler. This first row is done in Stef Francis perle 5.
My pink row is done in perle 8. I alternated the spike from left to right. To do this 
I had to mirror the first part of the stitch too!
In the next samples I experimented with the buttonhole part of the spiked knotted cable chain. In this green row I used an up and down buttonhole stitch and added French knots. The pink row is a variation with the crossed buttonhole stitch.
My blue row is another variation with the up and down buttonhole stitch. The pink row at the left is a variation with the bullion buttonhole. The pink row at the right is a variation with the knotted buttonhole stitch.
This last detail on my TAST 2010 sampler is spiked knotted cable chain in a curve. It works nicely and it doesn’t matter if the spikes are on the inside or the outside of the curve. The threads are blue perle 5 and pink perle 8.
A progress photo of my last TAST 2010 sampler. I added spiked knotted cable chain with yellow perle 12 at the right.
This is a seam on my crazy book page Africa. The thread is Caron Watercolours.
My last detail is part of my sailor stitch sampler. Sailor stitch is a chain stitch tied with a buttonhole stitch. So I wanted to see the difference between the sailor stitch and the spiked knotted buttonhole stitch. The thread is Caron Watercolours.
There are more old samples of spiked knotted cable chain from other participants in the Flickr TAST group.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. You have shown more examples than I thought possible - of course all beautiful and neatly worked.
    This stitch is very attractive in itself but even more so with the Up and Down Buttonhole and the added French Knot.
    As always I am impressed by your good order and the speed you can whip up photos and information about these old stitches. A true teacher!

  2. this stittch looks interesting, must pop over to pintangle and have a go, love your versions

  3. love the colours you have used here Annet, especially in the top image. They blend so beautifully
