
zaterdag 19 oktober 2013


Remember my first stumpwork faces? They were the trials for a small quilt for Anne, we had a private swap. With the help of Maureen I could make a nice face with a good nose. Thanks, Maureen! Then it was time to add hair. Luckily Queenie wrote about her first male stumpwork figure, which she made with the help of the book Embroidered Portraits by Jan Messent. It was a great excuse to threat myself and a few days later the book arrived. I was not disappointed, it’s a great book which helped me to knit Hannah’s hair. I’m sure it will help me later to turn my other stumpwork faces into portraits.
Back to Hannah, she needed clothes and a body. Her body is made of Timtex. 
I added pink fabric for the neck, hands and feet.
After dressing Hannah, she needed shoes. I had some nice matching leather and stitched her some boots. Luckily I had special needles to stitch leather, but I had to use a thimble too!
It wasn’t easy to stitch fingers on this small size!
Here I prepared my quilt to turn it into a quilt sandwich.
After stitching running stitches with tacking thread I added 2 extra strips of fabric,
. . . so it would fit my 10 inch embroidery hoop. The tacking thread is already removed in this photo. I stitched stem stitches with Permin Lingarn to represent the ground and hand quilted some of the lines on the batik background. At the right side I added small beads. I shared the photo’s of the finishing part and the backside of this quilt in my last Wordless Monday post.
Here’s my finished quilt. The size is 6 x 8 inch and it’s completely done by hand.
Take a closer look at Hannah here and here.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Hannah Is a fine looking woman!! I admire your determination to get this right has paid off. She really is exceptional.

  2. What a beautifull doll is Hannah..., so much creative details...

  3. Oh, Annet, Hannah is great!
    There is a lot of inspiration for hairstyles in Jan Messent's book, and you have made good use of the ideas. Also the face and its colouring is just perfect for a lady with red hair. I looked at the close up on Flickr.
    You have also given Hannah great clothes and the hands are convincing.
    I have seen several ways of making hands, but using wires or stitching individual fingers is a challenge.
    BRAVO, Annet!

  4. remarkable your mini quilt is so beautiful and Hannah looks very much at home, love her hair and the little basket along with everything else about her..She looks so good on the batik fabric too
