
dinsdag 3 september 2013

Old and new raised chain stitches

TAST stitch 80 is raised chain stitch. TAST stands for Take A Stitch Tuesday, 
a challenge at Pin Tangle.

I rediscovered this stitch 2 months ago, but first I want to share the experiments on my TAST 2010 sampler. This row is done in Caron Wildflowers, 3 rows of raised chain stitches on the straight stitches.
At the left I made 3 rows of raised chain stitches in 2 different colours. At the right 
I added beads to the straight stitches and put a raised chain stitch between them.
Vandyke stitch with raised chain stitch on both sides, they are stitched in 2 different directions.
The next 2 experiments were inspired by the single raised chain stitches at Quieter Moments. The thread is perle 5. It’s a nice filling.
More single raised chain stitches, but this time stitched over 2 and 3 straight stitches. The thread is Stef Francis perle 5.
The last detail on my TAST 2010 sampler. I started this circle with a whipped wheel and added raised chain stitches around it. I wrote about the making of it here.
This last detail is the buttonholed double chain stitch from 2 months ago. I stitched a raised chain stitch with Stef Francis spun silk with flames between the 2 rows.
There are more old samples of raised chain stitches from other participants in the Flickr TAST group.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. The most beautiful samples I ever saw, Annett. They look like pieces of braid, lovely stitching.

  2. I enjoyed doing this stitch, it look most effective when done with a thicker thread like you have used. Still not managed the butonholed double chain stitch, now have a total mental block with it!

  3. Yes, these samples are so beautiful and you do such lovely neat work, Annet. Your combinations are well thought out and unique. Lovely. Regards, Dianne.

  4. What a great idea to do it on the vandyke !
