
woensdag 5 juni 2013

Work In Progress Wednesday - June 5

Yesterday I decided it was time to work on my quilt again, after more than a month not touching it. I stitched the mitered corners and cut the extra fabric. It was the first time I used a rotary cutter for it. The scraps from the backside are big enough to keep and the remains of the batting are going in my stuffing bag.
Our renovations are still a work in progress. This weekend it was finally warm enough, so my DH could remove the old radiators. This is the smallest one.
And we bought some supplies. Material to put between the walls for sound-deadening and lots of wooden panels to dress the walls.
 More info about Work In Progress Wednesday at Pin Tangle.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. that quilt is almost done - I always like stitching the binding! It is great to see it again

  2. Soon you will have the binding stitched down and a hanging sleeve on. Isn't it nice to be nearing the finishing line?
    Alas, you might be busy with the renovation...

  3. wondered what had happened to the quilt, good to see you working on it again. Best of luck with the house jobs.
