
dinsdag 18 december 2012

Old knotted cable chains

The last TAST stitch for this year is knotted cable chain. Again I only found two samples of this stitch. The first one is my knotted cable chain sampler for TAST 2007. Three rows in different threads. From top to bottom: variegated machine embroidery thread, 2 threads of stranded floss and cotton a broder.
This is a progress photo of my embroidery Birth. The knotted cable chain at the left side is done in Stef Francis perle 5.
I’m currently thinking about my blog plans for next year. Please leave a comment if you like it if I continue my old stitches posts for TAST 2013.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. wow, you have already finish your work ! I have not yet begun it; your stitches are very even and i like the variated thread you used for the first row.

  2. Please, I want you to continue posting the old stitches. It is very helpful to see others' work before I start on my own. It gives me ideas and I might 'understand' the stitch better that way.
    Thank you for all you contribute to TAST. You are a great 'Sempai' (= Japanese honorific expression for a student or colleague who is senior and superior to oneself).
    Looking forward to what you will do with the knotted cable stitch this time.

  3. Yes, yes, Annet, please keep them coming. I often rely on them to get me working on mine! Happy holidays!

  4. yes please Annet you must keep inspiring us with all with all your stitches, have not done any since the arrowhead but will try to catch up sometime.

  5. Dat birth borduurwerk is mooi, kunstzinnig! Zo vrij borduren, dat moet ik toch ook eens gaan proberen.

  6. As the other comments , I want to thank you for your old samples , each week it's help me to imagine how to use the Tast stitch. Happy Christmas and Happy New Year

  7. great samples. the work in progress on'birth' is lovely.
