
zaterdag 1 december 2012

Arrowhead stitch

The TAST stitch for week 48 is arrowhead stitch. I stitched another 2 x 2 inch sampler on my Aida. First I made stacked rows of arrowhead stitches with different threads. From top to bottom: 2 threads of stranded floss, perle 8, Stef Francis spun silk with flames, 4 threads of stranded silk, perle 12 and perle 5.
Here I made arrowhead stitches with perle 5 and detached chain stitches with 
2 threads of stranded floss.
Four rows of arrowhead stitches with Stef Francis spun silk with flames. I decorated it with small bugle beads and stitched straight stitches inside both outside rows with stranded silk.
I found this threaded arrowhead stitch in module 5 of Sharon’s stitch files. It’s done in perle 5.
Take a closer look at my complete sampler here.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Die met de kralen erin vind ik heel bijzonder.

  2. Beautiful- especially the colours are great!

  3. Perfect samples -as you always make them.

  4. I thought this stitch would always have a sharp look but by blending in Detatched Chain stitches or thread them the get a much softer look. The Arrowhead stitch also changes a lot with the angle; I think my favourite is the sharp one worked with bugle beads.
    It is always a pleasure to look at work.

  5. you always manage to push the stitch further and give inspiration to the rest of us, agree with Queenie re the softness.

  6. lovely experiments of this stitch. Thanks for sharing
