
zondag 1 juli 2012

Palestrina stitch again

I’ve stitched a Palestrina stitch with perle 5 at the curve of the  hairpin lace doodle on my first Crazy White block and decorated it with beads. I hope to share my finished block tomorrow.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. you are so brilliant, where do you get all your ideas and inspiration from, think you should pass some of them on to me as I am strugggling!!!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous, Annet! Can't wait to see the whole thing.

  3. I love visiting your blog Annet. Your needlework is beautiful. I have just passed on " The Versatile Blogger " Award to you. Details on my blog. I am so behind with the TAST challenge now it will be hard to catch up. Take care. Marion x

  4. i badly want to see the finished project..awesome design annet..clever idea!

  5. Wow! The Crown Jewels! Please show us the finished piece, can't wait!

  6. Wow, Annette, this is so great - ganz, ganz toll - superbe!
