
zondag 8 juli 2012


Nicole of &Stitches asked me if I wanted to participate in a stitch challenge for 
Issue 3.
The stitch I had to use was the Pekinese stitch, one of the stitches I learned in 
TAST 2007 (I wrote about that here).
For this challenge I used it in a totally different way and combined it with the cutwork circles I recently learned in Karen’s class Embellish, Embroider, Create.
I enjoyed reading the E-zine Oriental Inspiration, it’s fun to see my work in it! 
More info about this E-zine on &Stitches.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. not heard on & stitches, is it a magazine? will click on your link.
    I am sure she will be pleased with your pekinese stitch.

  2. Annet, this is very beautiful and very original!! I love your work!!

  3. What a lovely stitch wonder if it will come up in this tast.

  4. Your work is lovely, and thank you for showing us.

    I went to the pekinese stitch links, only to find that pintangle's site shows only a "page not available" message, then the search function brings up only a sales pitch for her stitch guides. So I'll look elsewhere for directions, since I'd like to know how to pursue this.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Pin Tangle has moved recently, so the old links doesn't work anymore. You can find the Pekinese stitch in Sharon's embroidery stitchindex:
      Hope this helps.

  5. This looks so neat and I'm looking forward to learning the Pekinese stitch sometime in this years TAST challenge.

  6. beautiful work. Thanks for sharing this

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment on my old blogpost.
