
zaterdag 16 juni 2012

Buttonhole wheels

The TAST stitch for week 24 is buttonhole wheels. First I stitched a few half buttonhole wheels around my bullion knots with cotton a broder.
I made a new block inspired by Karen’s class Embroider, Embellish, Create. On the batik I made a cutwork circle with 3 threads of stranded floss. Then I added the buttonhole wheels with DMC perle 5 color variations. I’m going to add some beads when this block is finished.
There are bigger photos of these samples on my Flicks page here and here.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. I really like your buttonhole wheels, Annet. Very nice!

  2. You are so creative! The combination of Buttonhole and Bullion Knots, I would not have thought of it but it is looking great.

  3. two very nice samples Annet, love the colour of the second one and of course the stitching in perfect

  4. everytime your creativity is outstanding!i love both b.wheel samplers..b.wheel with cutwork is impressive one..thanks a lot for giving comments on my blog..i always appreciate your comments as im a big fan of you annet..

  5. lovely your wheels.

  6. Both are very nice. The combination with bullion is great.
    The second one created a design with the stitch is very nice.
