
zondag 1 januari 2012

Welcome 2012

It's time to look back on the 3 creative goals I set last year. It worked very well for me and I'll do the same this year. My first goal was to finish the last TAST 2010 stitches before the start of Sharon's journal class. I managed that and over the year I turned my samplers into fabric book pages. Last week I finished my TAST 2010 fabric book, but I still have to take some photo's and maybe another video. The detail on the photo is part of the CQ block on the inside of my cover. Of course the replacement of this goal is TAST 2012! My second goal is an ongoing one. I have several quilt tops I still have to quilt. I finished a few small ones last year and wrote about it in my WISP-posts. The last one I showed was a cat quilt, it's quilted and I'm working on the binding. I wrote about a double wedding ring quilt I was planning to quilt next, but I removed the border and I'm going to add a straight border. There's no matching fabric in my stash, so I have to go shopping first. In the meantime I'm going to quilt another small quilt, maybe this little baroque lady. She also needs some embroidery, so that doubles the fun! She's only 8 inch and I made her many years ago. It's an old mystery pattern designed by Ula Lenz.
My last goal was to finish the Gorse Fairies. I finished it in November and it still needs to be framed. The replacement for this goal is working on Sharon's stitch files. I finished my third sampler today; the herringbone stitch.
I'll show you some details of this sampler tomorrow.

1 opmerking:

  1. Happy new year, and good luck on achieving your goals again this year!
