
zaterdag 12 februari 2011

Fabric paper challenge 1

In the first week of this year I jumped into a new challenge. Barbara offered some fabric paper to see what others could make of it. I got the one with the arrows at the bottom of her tutorial. First I only used it as a background to take nice pictures of my fabric book pages. But then I took a deep breath and cut it to 2,5 x 3,5 inch pieces to make ATC's. I wanted to do some embroidery on it and this was my first ATC. I made 3 raised cup stitches and added a slipped detached chain with French knots. For this one I used 4 threads of stranded DMC, because I was not sure if I could use perle without damaging the thread.
The stranded DMC was no problem, so for the second one I tried perle 5 and 12. I made French knots and pistil stitches. There was no damage to the threads.
For this buttonhole wheel I used stranded DMC again. The edge is a trellis stitch. I also added a lot of French knots.
For the fourth ATC I found a piece of lace that was just the right size. I made 2 rows of Chevron stitches and added some beads.
I made this a challenge in a challenge, because I want to see how many different ATC's of the same fabric paper I could come up with. They have to be finished before the end of this month.

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