
dinsdag 4 januari 2011

My 2010 orts jar

My orts jar was big enough to store the threads of one year. There's even some space left!
I started it on Januari 3 with the threads of the twisted satin stitch. It's good to look back on that stitch, I completely forgot about it. It was one of the stitches for the old TAST. Here's a better look at all the lovely colours. I used the pink threads for Kiko's flower.
The shiny blue threads are the last threads I added to this jar. I used it for the label of my Dear Jane quilt.
Tomorrow I'm going to empty this jar and start over for 2011. I have some idea's what to do with the orts, I don't throw them away. If you want to know what I did with my 2009 orts, just take a look here.

1 opmerking:

  1. I bought a bunch of those clear ornaments and plan to fill them with my orts from 2011 for Christmas 2011.
