
vrijdag 14 januari 2011


Today I did some embroidery for a birthday and I wanted to try a new stitch to double the fun. I couldn't use one of the last TAST-stitches I still have to try, because I needed a square stitch. I looked in the gallery of stitches in my new embroidery book Stitch Sampler (which I bought after reading this review) and found houndstooth. It's a variation of the cross stitch and that's what I needed. This is the plain houndstooth in perle 5. The book told me to fill the spaces with an upright cross stitch with a finer thread. I made French knots with a perle 8.
These are only sneak peeks, I show you the finished project next week. I liked stitching the houndstooth, but there was no time for more experimenting. Maybe I add this stitch to my last TAST-sampler, it would be fun to play with.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Looks interesting and the colour combination is beautiful.

  2. Thanks, it's a fun stitch. I experimented a little with it on my last TAST-sampler in the upper left corner.
