
zaterdag 6 juni 2009

Needleweaving 4

This is still my first crazy block! I did some needleweaving on a large seam. I was inspired by these freestyle woven bars. First I made straight stitches with brown and beaded some of them. Then I just started needleweaving in dark yellow to make woven bars in different sizes. You can also see a little bit of the Basque stitch in the upper right corner, which I made after that. There are 4 more seams to do and there is a large white space that just needs 'something'.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Totally unrelated, but what is that scalloped stitch to the left?? I like it.
    PS. interesting to see the progression in needle weaving, by the way. I love "explorations".

  2. Gisele,the scalloped stitches are buttonhole wheels.
