I wrote about this project several times. You can read it here.
donderdag 14 mei 2009
Casalguidi: Tree In My Garden
Yesterday I finished my casalguidi project. I added some flowers to the right side of the tree and then I finished the grass. The yellow flower is a woven wheel, a cast on stitch flower-bud and a detached chain stitch flower-bud. The purple one is done in buttonhole stitches, I made them very close together. After the first round I did another one to give it some dimension. I wanted to have some birds in the tree too. The body of my bird is an oyster stitch. The head is a detached chain stitch, but I finished the stitch with brown to make a beak. I made the tail with a few straight stitches. And the eye is a French knot. The curved bottom appeared while I was stitching, so I left it this way. I only made an outline around the sky in the Portuguese stem stitch to complete my embroidery. Below you can see a dimensional detail of the grass at the bottom of the trunk.
I love it when I see a stitch I have not done before. The 'oyster' stitch in your birds is new to me. I'm going to have to look it up and try it in something. I am also not familiar with the term 'casalguidi' so I will have to come back when my eyes are a little better and read further back in your beautiful blog to find out what it really means. Love this little design!!