
woensdag 30 augustus 2017

It’s a Teesha Rainbow – patches from Naomi and Sher

I’m participating in a series of swaps for Teesha Moore inspired patches with a rainbow colour. These are the pretty patches I received for the yellow, green and blue swap.
Patches made by Naomi and Sher
These yellow patches are made by Naomi, our swap host. I like the ‘redwork’ rose and machine made crazy patch.
Yellow patches made by Naomi.
The green and blue patches are made by Sher, who told me she’s a very beginner embroidery.
Green patches made by Sher.
Sher made a few neat French knots and woven wheels on the blue patches.
Blue patches made by Sher.
My blue patches are still travelling to Paula in the USA. I hope they arrive soon, so I can share them.

maandag 28 augustus 2017

CatchPhrase j-m

CatchPhrase is the new challenge at Daisy Yellow, perfect to keep the journaling-flow going after ICAD! Tammy gave us 26 prompts to work in your own pace. I planned to do a prompt every other day, so I have time to do some stitching on the other days. Read all about this challenge at Daisy Yellow.

Repeat/repeat/repeat is prompt J. I just repeated my interpretation of the repeat prompt from ICAD. It was fun to use the Universe tutorial again!
Bold is prompt K. I made this spread to remember a special day.
Symbols (or code) is prompt L. I made a yoga inspired collage.
Three words is prompt M. Houdt het simpel is Dutch for keep it simple.

vrijdag 25 augustus 2017

Randje 78 & 79

I’m still working on my borders for Randje per week 2015. More info about this SAL at Randje per week.

woensdag 23 augustus 2017

Socks for my daughter

This photo has the correct colours.
I finally finished my first pair of socks. I knitted them  for my oldest daughter. It took me more than a year!

maandag 21 augustus 2017

CatchPhrase g-i

CatchPhrase is the new challenge at Daisy Yellow, perfect to keep the journaling-flow going after ICAD! Tammy gave us 26 prompts to work in your own pace. I planned to do a prompt every other day, so I have time to do some stitching on the other days. Read all about this challenge at Daisy Yellow.

Colorful is prompt G. I made a collage with magazine clippings. Groen, blauw and oranje are Dutch for green, blue and orange.
House is prompt H. I made a collage with painted book pages, magazine clippings, embroidery and stickers.
Definition is prompt i. I used a quote to practise my hand lettering. This page is inspired by my journal page Als ik uit het raam kijk.

zaterdag 19 augustus 2017

It’s a Teesha Rainbow - GREEN

I’m participating in a series of swaps for Teesha Moore inspired patches with a rainbow colour. Green is the 4th swap and we made 2 patches for our partners.
On my first patch I used Sorbello stitch (TAST stitch 88) and French knots. I secured the edge with running stitch. The thread is DMC perle 5 color variations.
My second patch is made of different green strips. I couched knitting yarn at the seams in stranded floss and added a glass bead. The edge is secured with cross stitches in stranded floss.

maandag 14 augustus 2017

CatchPhrase A-F

CatchPhrase is the new challenge at Daisy Yellow, perfect to keep the journaling-flow going after ICAD! Tammy gave us 26 prompts to work in your own pace. I planned to do a prompt every other day, so I have time to do some stitching on the other days. This works fine until now, I have some stitching to share next time! Read all about this challenge at Daisy Yellow.

To make sure I do all prompts I made my first handbound journal with enough pages to do 26 prompts. I watched a few YouTube videos with longstitch binding and gave it a try. I’m very happy with my first journal!
Weather was prompt A. I made a collage inspired by Teesha Moore and added a quote. It’s Dutch for
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass,
it’s about learning to dance in the rain.
Outline was prompt B. It reminded me of my Assisi embroidery, so I made an Assisi collage with a bold outline.
The Beatles was prompt C. At first I didn’t want to do Yellow Submarine, because I already did that in the 2015 Top2000 party. But I ended up using the same image in a different way. First I made a collage with watercolour paint, painted book pages, my hand carved stamp, ink and markers.
Then I cut it in pieces and made another collage with it in my CatchPhrase journal. It’s inspired by the work of Cecil Touchon.
Prompt D is The sea. I made a collage and used my hand carved stamp again.
Found poetry is prompt E. I made a colourful background and added my Dutch found poetry. It says:
The sun gives
3.1 million
That is
the new face of
having fun.
Prompt F is washi tape. To make it easier for me I used the word fiets, which is Dutch for bicycle.

maandag 7 augustus 2017

ICAD box

This year I participated in ICAD (Index Card A Day) again, it was my second time. There was a weekly theme with daily prompts.  You can find the theme and prompts at DaisyYellowThis year I made 61 cards and 2 extra blind contour drawings. 
All cards for ICAD 2017 with my hand-stitched box.
Last year I made a nice handbound book for my cards, which I forgot to share here!
All cards for ICAD 2016 in a handbound book.
This year I made a hand-stitched cardboard box. It started with the cardboard pieces glued on 2 sheets of scrapbook paper.
When the glue was dry I cut them and glued the remaining paper to the backside.
Polka dots for the outside and stripes for the inside of my box.
All parts for my cardboard box.
I used double-sided tape to attach the inside parts to the outside parts. Then it was time to make holes with this pergamano pen and a ruler.
I made the holes 1/2 cm from the edge and 1/2 cm apart.
The next step was to embroider all edges with looped edging stitch. It’s a knotted buttonhole variation, that holds it shape after each stitch you make. I used quilting thread for my stitches.
looped edging stitch
Then I sewed the parts together with a knot after each whipstitch with the same black quilting thread.
I wrapped the thread twice around the needle to make a knot.
 I decorated the front of the lid with beads.
my cardboard box on a few cards
A closer look at the inside with the lid open.
All cards fit nicely! You can take a closer look at my cards for ICAD 2017 here.
My cardboard box with 63 cards.